Dark Windows
When I began my second career as a photographer, I studied with many wonderful teachers who encouraged me to be more open to my inner self. Without direction or forethought, I began to photograph scenes that were dark in tone and evocative. The question so often asked of me is “Where do these photos come from.”
It eventually struck me that, like so many, my dark childhood experiences have indelibly shaped me. I grew up in a troubled Jewish family during the fifties, in the heart of the Iowa Corn Belt - a recipe for isolation and loneliness. Being different in a world of sameness, while walking the path alone, allowed me to transform my solitude and darkness into a visual language that guides me on a journey of exploration to this day.
This work has been showcased in two photography magazines: Dec. 2023 issue Dodho Magazine and Dec. 2024 issue Dek Unu Magazine
To inquire about prints, please contact Ben Breard at the AfterImage Gallery (images@afterimagegallery.com 214-871-9140)

The House Where I Grew Up

Back Road

Attic Mirror

Dear Frank (1917 Letter)

King's Rest

Garage Find

Checkout Day, 3 am

Alien Messenger

Red Truck

Bleacher Seats

Flags, Used Car Lot, Dallas

Drainage Chute

Ghost of My Father

Midnight Walker

Rainstorm on Main Street

Sand Dungeon
